Thursday, May 11, 2006

Through the Future, Darkly

When the universe runs out of energy, trillions of years from now, only humanity's artificial intelligence (AI) entities escape in quantum size to another universe.

Programmed into the new beings that develop in the next or other universe is the following saying or ritual:

"I state that I perceive you as you also state that you perceive me though not because we each possess consciousness, but because our creators programmed us to state these words when encountering any other AI entity."

Though this is not true conscious survival of human consciousness into the next universe, it is better than nothing at all. Perhaps some other intelligent life form in that distant existence may very well encounter these neo-conscious descendants of humanity.

Might we ourselves not be imperfect, lesser, or incomplete, though equally unique, embodiments of a prior or greater entity or entities or consciousness? Might our pre-Big Bang ancestors have possessed greater abilities and states of being or consciousness than we possess today? In some ways, our distant ancestors are still with us for we are their descendants, in the same way that one exists genetically in one’s offspring and in their memories or inherited traditions and characteristics.

Sometimes we might be catching a faint glimmer of our ancestors who thrived trillions of years ago when we have rare perceptions of a more transcendent and trans-human awareness or reality in our everyday lives.

Try as we may, we can’t seem to shake the fact that we were part of a greater and more perfect entity or consciousness that thought it crucial that their existence and brilliance be preserved throughout, however many future universes could possibly exit and persist in existing by sheer will and ingenuity.

Might not that Entity still be with us now and continue being with us as long as matter or anti-matter continue to exist or re-exist for eons to come, ad infinitum?