Sunday, May 21, 2006

Theoretical concepts of Time

Thought experiments:

Standard Time: Normal functioning dimension, as we know it.

Speeded-up Time: Time travel towards the future.

Time in retrograde: Time travel towards the past.

Slowed-down Time: Time at a rate slower than normal.

Anti-Time: Abnormal dimension where life begins at death and ends at birth. Funerals would be positive events since they would signal the beginning of one's life. A person would get younger as Anti-Time progressed or, in this case, regressed, getting smaller with each year as the person lost knowledge and status and finally "completed" their life as two separate cells: ovum and spermatoza.

Non-Time: A universe or multiverse or continuum in which time, itself, does not exist, has never existed, or will ever or can ever exist. Such a universe is inconsistent with itself and perhaps can never exist, and so conceiving of what Non-Time would be like is a pointless exercise. Nevertheless, we will proceed with this conceit, to see where it might lead. It's hard to conceive of any dimension that is devoid of time, since time is the primordial dimension, existing even before length, width and depth/height. Perhaps Non-Time can exist, although existence--or in this case, anti-existence--would have a different meaning from anything we can conceive or imagine. Of course, by its odd nature, no one or nothing could exist in this "impossible" continuum, so it would be an empty dimension. Might hyperspace not be such a Non-Time dimension? If that were the case then, an advanced civilization could never visit hyperspace to facilitate interdimenisonal travel, because by visiting it, it would cease to experience time as it is used to experiencing: a dimension that marches inexorably forward, or backward in the case of reverse time travel, though there would be actual movement in both cases. Or would the advanced interdimensional traveler simply exist in the Non-Time continuum for as long as (s)he needed to, without incurring the passage of time and the aging that goes hand in hand with this life process? Perhaps once the traveller visited the Non-Time continuum, he or she could never leave, as in the case of a black hole. The difference from the latter case would be that the traveller could stay in that stasic though conscious state for a very long time, perhaps forever, doing or not doing, whatever tickled his or her fancy.

Also imagine the existence of one dimensional beings, 2 dimensional, three dimensional, 4 dimensional ones, and relate them to each time continuum.

11 Dimensions:

What would it be like existing in 10 or 11 dimensions: Imagine the beings & reality or various realities or continuums in each one?

Theoretical Visions or Variations of a Perfect World or City:

Visions of Heaven as it Might Be or as We'd Like it to Be

Alternate heavens and worlds and realties and dimensions

Living in, not 10 or 11 dimensions, but in multiples of each, in 20 or 22, in 30 or 33, ad infinitum.

Imagine a continuum in which only one geometrical object exits, let’s say a sphere, since it’s said that a sphere is a perfect shape. Imagine that sphere, however, as having no inside or outside. Like your geometrical intersecting planes or lines that never end, also imagine that sphere as never ending, as having always existed, not in one, but in an infinite amount of dimensions. Also imagine that sphere as having no matter or antimatter. Also imagine it as having no non-matter or exotic matter, either. It is neither visible nor invisible. It simply is, however difficult to understand what “existence” could possibly mean or be like for such a sphere. Additionally, the continuum is the sphere and the sphere is the continuum. There is nothing else.

"But these are merely metaphysical speculations and, like all metaphysical speculations, they have very little relevance to actual day-to-day life or existence.” (A paraphrase of Oscar Wilde from The Importance of Being Earnest.) Or is it really true that they cannot have, have never had, or will never have any relevance to actual day-to-day life or existence? After all, what is reality if not how we imagine our world or existence to be, or to have been or to someday be?

Three Potential Uses of Life or Time:

Humility produces generosity.
Generosity produces pure joy.
Pure joy produces endless possibilities.

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