Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Future Creates the Past

Imagine a perfect being from the very distant future where perfection, as well as near perfection, has been achieved by sentient intelligences. Before the final death throes of the universe, or the metaverse if there really is a metaverse, this perfect being travels eons back in time knowing all that would happen in the universe. This perfect being travels back in time to a point before the actual occurrence of the Big Bang and jump starts the event itself.

Of course, quantum mechanics being what it is, the very same set of events do not come to pass as they did during the previous perception of the universe. Nevertheless, the general direction and chain of events would be very similar. This pre-knowledge of how things should turn out the second time around, would in effect be as close to omniscience as is possible.

The question as to how or where this perfect being came from in the first place, has no meaning. How can it? The simplest answer is that the future was the source of its being. The future will ever be the source of its being. The future really does contain the seeds of its own past because the future is perfect. It is perfect because it is still in the process of being born, unlike the past which came and went with all its imperfections and the present which is continually becoming the past.

The End creates the Beginning. The Beginning creates the End. It is all a cycle.