Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Different Kind of Sunrise: October 22, 3001 - part 3

"Immediately after the distress of those days 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'" Matthew 24:29 (New International Version)

The renegade arm of the Future Realists were enraged when they learned that the moderate and right-wing of the Realists had conspired with the Perfect Optimists and had fully developed the major archives of the capsule that had been discovered in the deep sea trench. The departure of the Perfect Futurists in 10/22/2844 had been a carefully-guarded secret that had almost been erased from the databanks of the Deep Sea project. A year after the Futurists had departed, their rapid escape, and some said unethical one, in the borrowed interplanetary craft was finally discovered by decoding mundane information relays that no one imagined contained the specifics of their departure and the terminus of their journey.

The Renegade Realists felt cheated and slighted that their orthodox ideas had been mostly ignored by the evolving coalition between the remaining Realists and the Perfect Optimists. The Renegade Realists had tried to enlist the Future Neutralists as a last ditch attempt to wrest control away from the evolving forces. It was assumed that the group that spoke loudest or had the most impressive mental powers could easily sway the ineffectual Neutralists. The benign indifference of the Neutralists proved to be their strength, as in the end, it was the developing coalition's goals and modus operandi that appealed to the theoretical Neutralists who excelled in theory, as it was considered the cleanest of disciplines.

Unknown to the new coalition of the Perfect Futurists was the missing databanks of the centuries-old capsule that had waited in the sea beds till the technology of the future came looking for it. Everyone else accepted the fact that the missing data had been irretrievably lost by the drastic methods used to decipher the encrypted proto-Etruscan archives. It puzzled all concerned that the Ancient Rulers of the capsule had chosen an obscure people and language to preserve knowledge that certainly they realized would not be used for millennia. No doubt the vision of the proto-Etruscan civilization deceived them into thinking they would be masters of future civilizations.

The Renegade Realists had purposely guarded the supposedly destroyed data banks to use them as leverage if ever things got too out of kilter for them to achieve superiority in the power plays of the three esoteric groups. When they realized that they had been left out and left behind on a journey that they could not in good conscience participate in, they had no choice but to start developing the missing component in the capsule archives. It was sacrilege for the Futurists to have left their solar system in search of what the Renegade Realists firmly believed would come looking for them. They were further vexed that the Futurists had been, in fact, allowed by the Masters of Light to leave the solar system at all. They suspected that the Futurist's interest in time travel, only a theory at present, was a remote possibility in their very own future. It was assumed, based on scientific materials discovered in the aforementioned information relays, that the Futurists, if successful, would try to return to Earth and change the future by using the hoped-for solution from the galaxy's edge.

The Renegade Realists knew that the only way to achieve their goal and engineer their vision of Earth's future was to develop the Omicron device in the century and a half that remained before the end of the third millennium's first year. What resources had not been used by the Futurists were theirs to achieve the impossible, and some thought, unholy goal of building the Omicron device. The Realists, as they now referred to themselves, firmly believed that since the sacrilege of leaving Earth's solar system by their competitors, and former conspirators had taken place, their plan to balance things out was not a dark vision, but rather, the vision that, surely, the Rulers of Light had purposed that they carry out by including the information that they had hid from the other groups. Even some of their own, who were moderate, insisted that the power that the hidden archives contained should only be used for the betterment of humanity and nothing else.

Future historians would suppose, if some of the Futurists escaped destruction when they attempted to travel back in time to a date after their departure, that the state of events that they would encounter when they visited 3001 was a natural, albeit premature, development in their solar system.

The philosopher-scientists of the Realists firmly believed that what they were planning to do would never be permitted or tolerated by the Rulers of Light. Should it ever be attempted, it was widely believed that the execution of the Omicron device would never some to pass. Nevertheless, they reasoned that were it to be attempted, the Rulers of Light would have no choice but to bring an end to time itself, and reward the agents that had purportedly forced their hand. This was just conjecture and the conflicting schools of thought argued back and forth as the development of the Omicron device was urgently perfected as 10/22/3001 loomed in their future.

Three months before the historic date, the Omicron device was fully operational and was headed to its destination, the Earth's sun. The previous 12 months had been stressful but productive ones and the devotion of the philosopher-scientists had almost equaled their intellectual acumen.

Final scene:

The Future Realists become, or so they assumed, the agents to hasten the end of reality by amassing destructive forces which they believed would repair the fractured designs of perfection's systems, as they defined perfection.

As their vessels orbit the source of their world's power and light, the Sun, with bold devotion, the instruments that surround the Sun at strategic locations are poised to begin a chain reaction that no one in Earth's long history, or foreseeable history, would ever have imagined was possible but was now about to take place. No one in previous millennia, nor in any conceivable future would ever have thought that humankind was capable of executing such a radical plan to hasten the end of time and bring a final solution to the problems of Earth's past and eventual future.

Only minutes pass after all the vessels orbiting the Sun initiate the full power of the Omicron device: a device that had never been intended for what it was to achieve in a matter of hours. When the Omicron effect reached full force, Earth's Sun, worshiped by ancient humanity, or admired by their descendants, would become a supernova, eons before it's natural life cycle would trigger that event.

When the Future Realists imagine that their date with cosmic destiny is upon them, and only hours remain bedore the Omicron effect produces its devastating destruction of both Earth and it's Sun, great is their surprise as a different change begins to affect reality, but not the way that they had engineered the end of time. The Sun continues to shine minutes after the explosion should have occurred. The space surrounding the Sun, as well as all the inner planets reaching out to the asteroid belt, starts to vanish and is replaced by a form of light or energy that violates all known laws of physics. The bodies of the Future Realists, as well as those of the inhabitants of the planetary colonies, become transparent. Their thoughts and modes of communication no longer depend on sound, but on a partial telepathy that is as different from what it was imagined telepathy would be like, as their transparent bodies are from what their flesh-and-blood bodies used to be. While the inhabitants of Earth and the colonized worlds are experiencing a state of awareness and reality that no one had ever imagined was possible, the Future Realists remain in shock as they realize that their fool-proof device to end imperfect reality had been neutralized by nothing they had ever imagined could happen. Before they could actually destroy all of reality and life, transcendent forces or beings of Light, negated both the agents of Negative Realism and the old imperfect reality, itself. A new order of being and reality has superseded what was, and what was almost obliterated, by humanity's machines of destruction.

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