Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Third Road: an even narrower one

"Seek the location of the Third Road. I am free of everything. I am free of history. I am free of history's lessons. I am free of darkness and light."

It has always been thought that to choose Darkness is to negate Light. Others have thought that to negate Light is to choose Darkness. Consider, if you will, the Third Road or Path. We are not speaking of choosing both, as in straddling the fence or being in a lukewarm state in which neither Darkness nor Light is virtually chosen. We are speaking not of a path down the middle or a path going Up or Down, but a path that simply goes through and keeps on going through. It is a path in an unknown dimension or reality, one that has nothing to do with traditional systems of Darkness or Light. It is the Color Road or, as it has sometimes been referred to, as the Color Field. It is a path that does not get bogged down in shades of black or white and all the grey tones in between. It is a genuinely mysterious path that deals with all the possibibilities of tone, hue and tint: in a word, the ColorField. Because of its dazzling variety of degrees, it is often a confusing path to travel on, but it never fails to fascinate or challenge the human spirit.

We are not alluding to the work "Beyond Good and Evil" simply because, we have resisted focusing our attention on it, and only the title has exerted an evanescent influence on the concept of the ColorField and its irregular ramifications. We will admit outright that the Third Road or Path, this ColorField, is a virtual Road or system of experience that by its very conceptual nature, may very well not exist as the Dark or Light Roads exist. Nevertheless, better to posit its theoretical existence, than to avoid mentioning it altogether, and thereby miss out on a potentially valuable lens with which to filter reality.

Most "conservative" thinkers will, no doubt, have abandoned ship and are busy swimming or rowing away from our ColorField prismatic system, perhaps never to return. That would be a shame, because the only reason that one has the possibility of trying to find the Third Road, the ColorField, is because of the Rulers of Light and their magnifence of mind and beauty.

We are not opposed to the Rulers of Light. They are the reason we have our being and are able to speak of Third Roads or Color Fields. But instead of disposing of those who choose neither the Roads of Darkness or the Roads of Light, might not the Rulers of Perfection allow for the existence of a Third Road or Path, a ColorField where as long as no direct threat is seen to the Realm of the Rulers of Light, the Third Road seekers are allowed to thrive or try to thrive in their Fields of Colored Energy, provided they know and are willing to accept that at any point, if they wish to return or choose the Roads of Light, they are free to do so.

By necessity, the two realities need gatekeepers so the Children of the Light Roads have no contact, as has been promised them, with all that which is not Light. They have earned that right and have risked much, even death, to exist in the Realm of the Roads of Light. They are beyond wanting to live a life separated from the Source of Light and Beauty, so for them, there is no longer any talk or desire to be tempted by other roads or systems of reality. Again, they have suffered much and rejected all other Roads of Darkness, including the virtual Road of Colors, the ColorField, which many, if not all, are blissfully oblivious of this Third Road, this Virtual ColorField.

There is one major caveat for the Children of the ColorField. They have to live by the Old Rules. With the old rules come both desireable and undesireable possibilities. Should they ever choose to opt for the Roads of Light, that is an option ever open to them. The ColorField by its very name, leads to the the Gatekeepers and their facilitating systems into the Realm of Light. Again, however, it is a one-way door. The inhabitants of the ColorField have to be very sure they want to enter through the Door of Light, as there is no way back into the ColorField.

Some don't realize that the very existence of the ColorField was made possible by the great gift of the Rulers of Light, the endangerment of One of their own. Though the venture was successful, it was not without the risk of failure and a tragic disruption to the perfection of the Realms of Light. Were it not for the beneficence of the Rulers of Light, the only path available would have been the Roads of Darkness and their self-defeating conundrums, the illusion of being free to do what one wanted, but at the risk of becoming a slave to the excess and obsessivenes of that imperfect freedom to do everything, and in the end, nothing. For the temptation and challenge always exists with absolute freedom, to push the boundaries of the possible and the pleasurable until no boundaries remain because all have been exhausted and only oblivion remains as the last and practical solution.

The Colorfield is neither a crooked nor a straight road, it is a spiral or a helix. A spiral by its very nature, has no beginning or end, it just keeps on climbing or descending ad infinitum. The only way to escape from the endless spiral of limitless possibilities is for the Gatekeepers to provide a way of escape, should you ever ask for it. Some, of course, prefer the helix and its endless possiblilities, but again, they are possibilities with the provison that the old rules are still in play. Some might eventually find a virtual perfection, or continue forever searching for it, but, it will always remain, just that, a virtual perfection, not the real perfection offered by the Rulers of Light. The real perfection that is offered to all by the Rulers of Light, is a Gift. It is not received as payment or reward. Like all true gifts, it can only be accepted, and gratefully. We speak of only accepting it gratefully, not because the ungrateful person will lose this Gift, but rather, because only the grateful receiver will truly want to receive the Gift. The ungrateful receiver of the Gift of Real Perfection, may very well prefer to continue in the endless possibilities of the ColorField.

Some might object to the continued existence of the ColorField. Will the existence of the ColorField always persist? What of the danger of the inhabitants of the ColorField making war with the inhabitants of the Realms of Light? By their very magnanimous perfection, the Rulers of Light must always keep the ColorField in play. The door to the Realms of Light must by the very nature of Light, always remain a door, neither open, nor closed, but always a door, a Gateway. The Gatekeepers by their very perfection will always be there, by the Gates of Light, should inhabitants of the ColorField tire or become dissatisfied with their endless paths of Colored Energy, or their imagined virtual perfection. Not to deceive anyone, this "virtual perfection", may well be very desireable and enjoyably challenging, but, again, it is at the risk of the Old Rules still being in play. Should one day, the Old Rules cease because of the nature of the imperfect Fields of Color, then the virtual perfection of the inhabitants of the ColorField also cease with it. This is not because of any malevolence on the part of the Rulers of Light, but because by its very nature, the Fields of Colored Energy, have both their seamingly endless possibilities and their apparently certain Systems of Entropy, as well. Freedom always has its price.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." -- Revelation 3:20 NIV

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