Thursday, June 29, 2006
The Rebirth of Time and the Universe - part 6
"I was appointed [a] from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began." -- Proverbs 8:23 (New International Version)
The Perfecting of Infinity, part I
When time is reborn in the new universe of the Perfect Futurists it is like the beginning of a day that, out of necessity, must have a beginning, but no end. It is a day of a new genesis because it begins in a renewed universe. It is, however, not in a new universe, but in a transformed universe that has had entropy removed from it from the very beginning. It is a day like arriving, but never leaving a remote secluded island, with provisions to last forever. It is a day that is like not being inside a waterfall as it falls, but being the waterfall itself. Though the water falls and continues falling, the waterfall itself remains and never ceases. It is a day in which you are united in body, mind and spirit with millions of other intelligent beings. It is a day when you discover the real meaning of smiling and joy because you begin to experience an emotion that does not diminish, but increases and is perfected as time progresses. Of course, time has lost its old meaning. Living in an eternal day has its strengths and its limitations. You feel as though the day had never began, though you know it has. You also feel like it will never end, because, it will in fact never end. There will be no next day, no new day. Once the eternal day begins it is always the same day you were experiencing 24 hours before. You never look forward to another sunrise because it is always sunrise. You have no further sunsets to look forward to because it is always sunset. Time has lost its old meaning. You are in perfect time which neither marches on nor slows down nor reverses itself into retrograde. Where there is no death or aging, time has a different purpose. Time becomes like the horizon. It always is there and it stretches out infinitely no matter where you look. To never be able to look forward to new beginings and endings, perhaps sounds less than perfect. Perhaps some will want to inhabit alternate world's where night and day do, in fact, alternate. What a tragic loss to not be able to see the stars at night because the sun is always shining. Perfection has its price.
The Perfecting of Infinity, part II
After a million years, or three million, or ... the perfection of their new universe continued to develop and to amaze them with the endless variations of perfection. Though their reborn universe was as perfect as it could be that moment in time, though now as immortals, time had acquired a different meaning and purpose, there was yet something to be done. Perhaps this was what made everything endlessly new and challenging. Theirs was not the only universe or mirror universe in the metaverse. Perhaps others had reversed entropy in their binary universes, or perhaps they were the first to do so. Might there not be other entropic universes that would equally profit from their experience and technology and, by entering a mirror universe where reverse time was the normal state of being, could the Perfect Futurists not facilitate that other potential entropic universes also reverse entropy as they themselves had done? Where all the other universes non-entropic universes from their very beginning? Was the percentage of non-entropic to entropic universes 50-50, or was it unknown? Would they apply throughout infinity this mystery of how many entropic or non-entropic universes existed in the metaverse? Would infinity ever reveal the last entropic and non-entropic universe? By arriving at this number at the end of infinity, which by definition was an impossible concept, would the discovery of the actual number of entropic versus non-entropic universes finally balance the equation and give perfection a new meaning? Could the metaverse, which was infinite in the number of universes it contained, ever be rendered truly perfect and non-entropic? Would the fact of the existence of their mirror entropic universe mean that though entropy might in theory finally be reversedfrom all the possible universes in the metaverse, might the complete erasing of the only entropic universe be possible? Or would the past existence of the single entropic universe always remain as a mysterious reminder that imperfection and entropy had once existed in the metaverse? What meaning could non-entropy have without its opposite, entropy? Though the metaverse would always have opposites, dark and light, up and down, smooth and rough, simple and complex, etc., did that also indicate that for non-entropy to exist and continue existing, that at least during eons and eons of death and rebirth in their mirror universe, the existence of entropy had to at least have existed in at least one universe? Or is non-entropic perfection, the child of entropy? Or is entropy the child of a primordial perfection that was not based on entropy at all, during at time when the metaverse was very young. It is perplexing to speak of the metaverse, which has always existed, as every having been young. Infinity is by its nature mind boggling, for not only does infinity have no end, it also has no beginning. It always was, regardless of how that was possible. Beings with a beginning and an end, such as ourselves, are at a disadvantage in conceiving of an existence that has no beginning or end.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Reversing Entropy in a Heptillion Years - part 5
A trillion years after their arrival on Neo-Earth, the descendants of the Perfect Futurists apply themselves to the greatest project of all, Reversing Entropy itself. The journey through Anti-Time* is accomplished through the enabling systems of the Cosmic Entity of Light. Some might be perplexed as to how beings from Standard-Time** could travel or accomplish their projects in Anti-Time. In Standard-Time, of course, cause precedes effect. In Anti-Time, however, effect precedes cause. The accomplishment of this logic-defying project takes them a heptillion (10 to the 24th power) years. It's crucial to keep in mind that although their native timeline will always continue to exist, as that is the source of their being and history, the effect they produce in finally reversing Entropy is, itself, in another timeline.
Among the amazing accomplishments they achieve, as they repair the damage done by Entropy in our timeline, are the following events, or "prevented-events" as they come to be known, a trillion years from now (listed here in order of neutralization since the Entity and the Futurists are dealing with events in which effect precedes cause):
- Preventing the fracturing of the delicate structure of the eleven known dimensions of our native universe, henceforth referred to as the Universe. which was a result of the contamination of the nature of light, itself.
- The prevention of other forms or variations of light, or energy, from spilling into the Universe from other universes and contaminating the very nature of light.
- The prevention of the negative influence of the empty universes (part of the metaverse) from disrupting the normal course of history in the Universe.
A great peril during the heptillion years was the avoidance of creating and thereby entering into Non-Time*** which would not only have destroyed their project and themselves, but would have undone the very existence of the Universe. The stakes were indeed high in this gargantuan undertaking. Some even thought that the desire to reverse Entropy, was too risky an enterprise and all should have simply accepted the very necessity of Entropy to prevent the danger of Non-Time from destroying the Universe and the alternate universe of the heptillion year project.
Some thought that it was the Agents of the heptillion year project that had triggered those events themselves by previously entering different dimensions or universes. In this way they were partially responsible for the negative influence of the empty universes which disrupted the normal course of history in the Universe. There had been no way to foresee that this essential venturing into other dimensions would, itself, contribute to the disruption. Nothing, unfortunately, can be accomplished without influencing something else. Some might wonder how an empty universe could exert negative influences, being itself empty. Regardless of its relative emptiness, it is important to consider that "no thing," or no place, is ever really empty. There is always something present even in empty realities. Even the vacuum of space is not really empty as it was previously thought.
Regardless of the speculation regarding who or what caused the rupture in the space-time continuum, the important thing to keep in mind is that it was a necessity to go in and out of the different universes or dimensions in order to rescue Earth's final human survivors. It was they, the designers of the trans-humans, that were the recipients of the technology they guarded beneath the Seas of Earth. That technology had not been of their own invention. The Cosmic Entity of Light had sent it from the future three thousand years prior to the crucial interplanetary trip that was the genesis of what would eventually accomplish the Reversal of Entropy. It was knowledge that could only be implemented five hundred years before 2844, the date of the interplanetary journey with the twelve futurists and the trans-humans working together to achieve humanity's loftiest goal, the perfecting of time and space. When they had achieved a universe free of entropy, then they could, in earnest, begin to design a universe that would develop year after year into a more perfect, not imperfect, reality. Perfection is not an instant reality. It requires development and creativity. True perfection, however, must begin with the absence of entropy. This they had finally accomplished at the end of the Heptillion Year Project.
* Anti-Time: Abnormal dimension where life begins at death and ends at birth. Funerals would be positive events since they would signal the beginning of one's life. A person would get younger as Anti-Time progressed or, in this case, regressed, getting smaller with each year as the person lost knowledge and status and finally "completed" their life as two separate cells: ovum and spermatozoa.
** Standard-Time: Normal functioning dimension, as we know it.*** Non-Time: A universe or multiverse or continuum in which time, itself, does not exist, has never existed, or will ever or can ever exist. Such a universe is inconsistent with itself and perhaps can never exist, and so conceiving of what Non-Time would be like is a pointless exercise. Nevertheless, we will proceed with this conceit, to see where it might lead. It's hard to conceive of any dimension that is devoid of time, since time is the primordial dimension, existing even before length, width and depth/height. Perhaps Non-Time can exist, although existence--or in this case, anti-existence--would have a different meaning from anything we can conceive or imagine. Of course, by its odd nature, no one or nothing could exist in this "impossible" continuum, so it would be an empty dimension. Might hyperspace not be such a Non-Time dimension? If that were the case then, an advanced civilization could never visit hyperspace to facilitate interdimensional travel, because by visiting it, it would cease to experience time as it is used to experiencing: a dimension that marches inexorably forward, or backward in the case of reverse time travel, though there would be actual movement in both cases. Or would the advanced interdimensional traveler simply exist in the Non-Time continuum for as long as (s)he needed to, without incurring the passage of time and the aging that goes hand in hand with this life process? Perhaps once the traveler visited the Non-Time continuum, he or she could never leave, as in the case of a black hole. The difference from the latter case would be that the traveler could stay in that static though conscious state for a very long time, perhaps forever, doing or not doing, whatever tickled his or her fancy.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Epilogue - Eternal Vacations of the Future - part 4
The Journey's End and a New Beginning
The first mystery that greeted the survivors of the million year journey was the true nature of all but three of the twelve Perfect Futurists. The great secret that had been hidden from them all, even preventing time-travel back to their past to learn of their origin, was that the Originators and the first three of the twelve to die, were the only actual humans ever involved with the interstellar voyage. The remaining nine, as well as all of the other passengers on the star craft, were cyborgs, implanted with memories of ancestors and with an almost uncanny respect and awe for the three human Futurists. Of course, it was not known to them that these three unique Futurists were not like them. All had been designed to see, but not see, the reality of the three master Futurists. When these three died after only a hundred years, they were given special burials without any of the usual rituals all received. Thus the myth that their deaths after a hundred years were no different from the death of those in their own species that only lived for a hundred years was able to persist even after an occasional analysis of the records of their voyage. It was too improper to voice those discoveries to the rest of the travelers, thereby ensuring that no one realized their own true nature and the different nature of their designers, the Originators. All imagined themselves humans and normal descendants of the Originators, though some doubted the stories of proto-humans with almost animal instincts and abilities that were believed to have been of the same genetic structure as the Originators, and thereby, of themselves as well.
The second mystery took some time to dawn on them, for they were so glad to finally have reached their long-desired Homeworld, that the newness of their permanent world and its various moonscapes and intriguing flora and fauna, kept them distracted for what seemed years or decades, or centuries. Time had lost its earlier meaning and intelligent life-forms and what constituted family bonds had also lost their meaning as they had learned and accepted the remnants of biological humans that they had been able to rescue from Earth's past. Both humans and their transhuman descendants lived in mutual respect and unity with each other because of their common ancestry and because each had needed the other to survive Earth's eventual destruction by the Supernova, as well as the equally essential origin of the transhumans with their para-human consciousness and increased longevity for the journey through the galaxy which had enabled them to rescue the descendants of the race that designed them.
After what seemed like years, or decades or centuries, only along the shore of their oceans did some begin to notice odd footprints in the sand that seemed to appear out of thin air, and because of the relentless surf, to disappear as quickly. Also at times, they were able to make out wisps of evanescent structures in the early morning along the beaches of what appeared to be floating structures in the skies. These were so transparent that it was often thought that they were mere tricks of the light in the early morning or of the human or transhuman eye.
After much theorizing, speculating, and scientific experimentation, they were able to piece together an amazing reality. They were not alone on this world. There were previous inhabitants, but these seemed to exist in another dimension in close proximity to theirs. Further mystifying them, was the realization that the structures they were seeing were not structures on the land masses of their world, but in the very skies. The last perplexing discovery was that these co-inhabitants with their wispy sky cities were not being seen as they actually were now, which was not fully understood, but as they would be centuries hence. Many minds were devoted to the task of contacting their planetary neighbors that were out of synch with their own time, and to hopefully realigning both time lines and dimensions, if practical, so as to jointly share their adopted home world as well as share each other's knowledge and culture.
It had been hoped that more could be learned about the Cosmic Cloud Entity that had made their survival possible and had found them instead of letting them continue venturing out of their own galaxy in search of what eventually came and found them. It was known that the Cosmic Cloud enveloped the Seventh Moon, and though they were permitted to orbit the Seventh Moon, and sometimes seemed to enter its inner atmosphere, they perceived or were perceived by the Intelligent Being inside the Glowing Sphere, yet always found themselves in orbit around the Seventh Moon, and thankfully returned to their own world until they felt need to try to perceive or be perceived by their Source of Beauty and Light.
The third, and possibly the last, mystery was not revealed for a thousand years. Though unspoken, all the wise men of the Homeworld were ever aware that in trillions of years they would have to be uprooted, with the Cosmic Cloud Entity as their guide and Prime Mover, in search of another universe to recolonize for the next life cycle of their new universe. Though the larger multiverse had no possible end and they would always be able to find another doorway into a new future, this did not satisfy them. Their common goal was to finally discover--if such a discovery was permitted by the Omega String theory given to them by the Cosmic Cloud Entity, centuries earlier--a perfect alternative to the transmigration every trillion-year cycle. They had enterprises that would require more than a trillion years to perfect and reperfect. An interruption of even a thousand years would set them back a million years. Some realized though, that this ever-elusive final solution to the ever-changing location of humanity's descendants was similar to the mind-expanding struggle and creativity that had set them on a course towards the stars and the galaxy's edge millions of years in their past.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Third Road: an even narrower one
It has always been thought that to choose Darkness is to negate Light. Others have thought that to negate Light is to choose Darkness. Consider, if you will, the Third Road or Path. We are not speaking of choosing both, as in straddling the fence or being in a lukewarm state in which neither Darkness nor Light is virtually chosen. We are speaking not of a path down the middle or a path going Up or Down, but a path that simply goes through and keeps on going through. It is a path in an unknown dimension or reality, one that has nothing to do with traditional systems of Darkness or Light. It is the Color Road or, as it has sometimes been referred to, as the Color Field. It is a path that does not get bogged down in shades of black or white and all the grey tones in between. It is a genuinely mysterious path that deals with all the possibibilities of tone, hue and tint: in a word, the ColorField. Because of its dazzling variety of degrees, it is often a confusing path to travel on, but it never fails to fascinate or challenge the human spirit.
We are not alluding to the work "Beyond Good and Evil" simply because, we have resisted focusing our attention on it, and only the title has exerted an evanescent influence on the concept of the ColorField and its irregular ramifications. We will admit outright that the Third Road or Path, this ColorField, is a virtual Road or system of experience that by its very conceptual nature, may very well not exist as the Dark or Light Roads exist. Nevertheless, better to posit its theoretical existence, than to avoid mentioning it altogether, and thereby miss out on a potentially valuable lens with which to filter reality.
Most "conservative" thinkers will, no doubt, have abandoned ship and are busy swimming or rowing away from our ColorField prismatic system, perhaps never to return. That would be a shame, because the only reason that one has the possibility of trying to find the Third Road, the ColorField, is because of the Rulers of Light and their magnifence of mind and beauty.
We are not opposed to the Rulers of Light. They are the reason we have our being and are able to speak of Third Roads or Color Fields. But instead of disposing of those who choose neither the Roads of Darkness or the Roads of Light, might not the Rulers of Perfection allow for the existence of a Third Road or Path, a ColorField where as long as no direct threat is seen to the Realm of the Rulers of Light, the Third Road seekers are allowed to thrive or try to thrive in their Fields of Colored Energy, provided they know and are willing to accept that at any point, if they wish to return or choose the Roads of Light, they are free to do so.
By necessity, the two realities need gatekeepers so the Children of the Light Roads have no contact, as has been promised them, with all that which is not Light. They have earned that right and have risked much, even death, to exist in the Realm of the Roads of Light. They are beyond wanting to live a life separated from the Source of Light and Beauty, so for them, there is no longer any talk or desire to be tempted by other roads or systems of reality. Again, they have suffered much and rejected all other Roads of Darkness, including the virtual Road of Colors, the ColorField, which many, if not all, are blissfully oblivious of this Third Road, this Virtual ColorField.
There is one major caveat for the Children of the ColorField. They have to live by the Old Rules. With the old rules come both desireable and undesireable possibilities. Should they ever choose to opt for the Roads of Light, that is an option ever open to them. The ColorField by its very name, leads to the the Gatekeepers and their facilitating systems into the Realm of Light. Again, however, it is a one-way door. The inhabitants of the ColorField have to be very sure they want to enter through the Door of Light, as there is no way back into the ColorField.
Some don't realize that the very existence of the ColorField was made possible by the great gift of the Rulers of Light, the endangerment of One of their own. Though the venture was successful, it was not without the risk of failure and a tragic disruption to the perfection of the Realms of Light. Were it not for the beneficence of the Rulers of Light, the only path available would have been the Roads of Darkness and their self-defeating conundrums, the illusion of being free to do what one wanted, but at the risk of becoming a slave to the excess and obsessivenes of that imperfect freedom to do everything, and in the end, nothing. For the temptation and challenge always exists with absolute freedom, to push the boundaries of the possible and the pleasurable until no boundaries remain because all have been exhausted and only oblivion remains as the last and practical solution.
The Colorfield is neither a crooked nor a straight road, it is a spiral or a helix. A spiral by its very nature, has no beginning or end, it just keeps on climbing or descending ad infinitum. The only way to escape from the endless spiral of limitless possibilities is for the Gatekeepers to provide a way of escape, should you ever ask for it. Some, of course, prefer the helix and its endless possiblilities, but again, they are possibilities with the provison that the old rules are still in play. Some might eventually find a virtual perfection, or continue forever searching for it, but, it will always remain, just that, a virtual perfection, not the real perfection offered by the Rulers of Light. The real perfection that is offered to all by the Rulers of Light, is a Gift. It is not received as payment or reward. Like all true gifts, it can only be accepted, and gratefully. We speak of only accepting it gratefully, not because the ungrateful person will lose this Gift, but rather, because only the grateful receiver will truly want to receive the Gift. The ungrateful receiver of the Gift of Real Perfection, may very well prefer to continue in the endless possibilities of the ColorField.
Some might object to the continued existence of the ColorField. Will the existence of the ColorField always persist? What of the danger of the inhabitants of the ColorField making war with the inhabitants of the Realms of Light? By their very magnanimous perfection, the Rulers of Light must always keep the ColorField in play. The door to the Realms of Light must by the very nature of Light, always remain a door, neither open, nor closed, but always a door, a Gateway. The Gatekeepers by their very perfection will always be there, by the Gates of Light, should inhabitants of the ColorField tire or become dissatisfied with their endless paths of Colored Energy, or their imagined virtual perfection. Not to deceive anyone, this "virtual perfection", may well be very desireable and enjoyably challenging, but, again, it is at the risk of the Old Rules still being in play. Should one day, the Old Rules cease because of the nature of the imperfect Fields of Color, then the virtual perfection of the inhabitants of the ColorField also cease with it. This is not because of any malevolence on the part of the Rulers of Light, but because by its very nature, the Fields of Colored Energy, have both their seamingly endless possibilities and their apparently certain Systems of Entropy, as well. Freedom always has its price.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." -- Revelation 3:20 NIV
Monday, June 19, 2006
Prologue - Eternal Vacations of the Future - part 2
The in-fighting between the Future Realists and their limited view of the true nature of things and the Perfect Optimists with their self-renewing vision of the future was difficult and often bitter. Were it not for the mitigating forces of the Future Neutralists whose existence almost difused both groups by its very nature and indecision or extreme prudence, all three groups would never have coalesced and transcended each other's shortcomings or lack of ultimate vision.
Before the actual departure on the 1,000 year journey, a journey that could as easily have been thought of as a 1,000,000 year journey, the Originators took certain precautions with their progeny and descendants. They changed the historical logs and embedded blocks in time to prevent any attempt to travel in time to learn what only a few suspected was the nature of their ancestors and how they themselves had come to live for a hundred, or a thousand or a hundred thousand years. Great perplexity and wonder were expressed or sublimated as why some of their kind lived for only 100, or a thousand or a hundred thousand years. Try as they might, they could not unravel the origin of the disparate life spans of what to all seemd to be one race of humans, as they continued to call themselves. The historical records spoke of proto-humans, and it was supposed that this was a hint of what even more ancient records spoke of as development from common ancestors, but the nature of the ancient ancestors defied logic, as it was said that they lived only for decades or for half a century. Surely such beings could in no way have much similarity with themselves who for all observation existed as perfect as their immediate ancestor. These discrepancies caused consternation, but never doubt as to the beauty of the vision of the Originators and their concept of searching for the Source of their being.
It was often theorized that the Source could very well have come in search of them, but others thought that arrogant on the part of these short-sighted humans, to think that the Source of their being would come to them, as opposed to the more practical venture of the lesser entities going in search of the Cosmic Entity. After all did not the Cosmic Entity give them all the tools that they would ever need to succed anywhere in the universe and for however long it took them to find the Source of all beauty and light?
Who but the Originators could have had the Preternatural vision of develping advanced technology and keeping it secret for hundreds of years until the 1,000 years of waiting had finished, before humanity's most important journey could be undertaken? How many had to have died in order to protect the advancing wealth and sophistication of education and government of the Originators and their secret civilization in cities beneath the Seas of Earth?
Though it was previously thought that all the passengers on the transgalactic journey were accidentally present on that singular journey, the Orginators had spent centuries carefully monitoring each of the families that would eventually "accidentally " book a flight on the supposed weekend trip to the Martian colonies. Such an important passenger list was not left to the throw of the dice, but to centuries of planning and perfecting of the new systems of regeneration and perfection that had secretly been developed beneath the Seas in the Cities of the Deep.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Window Pane in Blue Skies
All of this seemed normal, in spite of its brighter than day silken shadows, but the corners in the skies seemed out of place. It was as if the very sky were creased, in a glass-embossed line of blue-sky glassiness. The windowpane raised surface in the sky extended for miles, as did the sky. There were clouds here and there, but they didn't intrude on the corners of blue glass in the skies. Might that beveled glass line not lead to a world that was not round, but square, or rectangular? If it did not exist in this reality, then in another, equally real and more perfect one.